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Human Resources, Union/Labor Relations and Personnel Expertise


1326 5th Ave, Suite 339 / Seattle, WA 98101
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NEWS Braun Consulting

Vol. 2 No. 2
Summer 1996
See our Web Page for Updates:

Unions on the move - Save 10% on L&I
More on Violence - Braun Web Page

Save 10% on your L&I........1
Revised Job-Injury Forms....1
Violence Policy....................1
New Changes for Veterans..2
New Organizing Efforts by the
. . . AFL-CIO.....................2
Braun's New Web Page.......2
More from the AFL-CIO....2
Questions or Concerns........2

The Contents of this News Letter are intended for general information and should not be construed as legal advise or opinion.

BRAUN Consulting Group
1326 5th Ave, Suite 339
Seattle, WA 98101

(next column)
Save 10% on your L&I
We want to alert you to SB5516 signed by Governor Lowery. This law permits a Washington employer to reduce its Labor and Industries (L&I) premium by 10% if the employer has a properly drafted and administered Drug Free Work Place Policy and program. For many of our clients you are part way in compliance with a Drug Free Work Place Policy or D.O.T. (Department of Transportation) policy drafted some years ago. The 10% savings will expire in 2001 so, to maximize the cash savings you may wish to review the new program early. Please call if we can provide additional information.

Revised Job-Injury Forms
OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) will be implementing new job injury report forms next year for high-risk firms with 20 or more employees. The new forms will be short and simple; limited strictly to job related injuries. Look for this change. We will keep you advised

Violence Policy
The U.S. Department of Labor has published Guidelines for Preventing Work Place Violence for Health Care and Social Service Workers. This document is an excellent guideline for developing a policy at your locations regardless of wether or not you are involved in health care or social services. The publication number is OSHA 3148 1996 and is available by calling the OSHA office in

(next column)
Seattle, 206-526-6150 and ask for the "publications desk". We are available to assist those interested further.

New Changes for Veterans
If you have not yet heard USERRA (Uniformed Services Employment and Re- employment Rights Act) was passed and signed in 1994. This new law replaces older "Veteran Rights" and mainly strengthens re-employment rights for reservist and guardsmen called into action. A copy of the Act and changes is available from the U.S. Department of Labor - Veterans Employment and Training at 206-553-4831.

New Organizing Efforts by the AFL-CIO
Under new leadership the AFL-CIO will be sending out hundreds of organizer to recruit members, especially in the fields of health care, temporary services, retailing, fast-food restaurants, janitorial crews, and government employees. Currently one third of government employees are now Union. The goal is to have half of the government employees union by 2020.

Braun's New Web Page
If you are connected to the Inter-Net please take a few minutes and check out our web page. Our address is If we don't already have your e-mail address, please send us a message and we will add you to our e-mail directory.

Vol. 2 No. 2 Summer 1996
More from the AFL-CIO
At the just concluded Pacific Coast Labor Law Conference Mr. John P. Hiatt, General Council AFL-CIO was the luncheon speaker. Highlights of his speech are:

* The Union is revived and we are in the news!

* Little organizing - mostly servicing members has been the past 15 year history of the labor movement. Thank is over!!

* Multi Union organizing efforts on a related or industry basis. John Sweeny has spoken about how the Union was becoming irrelevant. John Sweeny, as President of the AFL-CIO has resolved to change the tide.

*Image will be important, that's why we created a Women's Division, Youth Division, coordination with Civil Rights Groups (churches, EEO, etc.), joint surveys, focus groups etc. to see what workers want.

*Workers are upset about corporate greed. Disloyalty by the company has created anger.

*The social contract of the 50's was changed in 70's. US management decided to compete through lowered wage cost. Since 1973, productivity has gone up but workers did not get their fair share. Currently CEO's are paid 187 times the average workers pay. 15 years ago is was 40 times. Workers are not getting their fair share.

* More people are forced to work. In most cases, with all adults in the family working.

(next column)
* Employers must change and unions also. The AFL-CIO is dedicated to make the change.

*The change is 30% of Union resources to organizing. Unions will get back to a monopoly of the supply of labor by organizing every employer in an industry - such as all government employees.

*We will be turning out 1,000 new organizers a year into the workforce. Some will "salt" the workers by getting jobs with employers then organizing from the inside while being paid by the employer itself. This reduces our cost and has the employer pay for our organizing. We will be organizing with multi union campaigns to get an entire employer all at once.

*1996 will be "Union Summer" to get 150 to 200 youth involved in organizing.

*We are renewing our political efforts. Members want us in politics as educator and to inform members about issues. How are congressional reps voting - we will tell our members. We will train 3,000 activists to become active in politics. Including minimum wage and other issue groups on a local basis, city by city, county by county, state by state.

*A Corporate Affairs Department will be set up in the AFL-CIO to monitor and provide information about corporations, how to attack them. Where are their weaknesses.

(next column)
*We will set up a joint management study to force management to share real power with workers. Workers are not going to just be turned out any more. Workers will have power through their contracts.

*Lastly we are restructuring the ALF- CIO Legal Department to use the legal system to further our objectives to regain our position as a major force in America. This is how the ecology movement brought big business to its knees we will do the same.

*We will be making big political news about of our gains. We want workers to know LABOR is on the move. We will be having 29 City/Town Meetings to build political support for Unions. Those meetings have begun and will give us a foundation for further action.

Mr. Hiatt concluded his remarks with a promise that the era of labor decline is over and employers are on notice they are a target.

Questions or Concerns

Please Contact:

BRAUN Consulting Group
1326 5th Ave, Suite 339
Seattle, WA 98101


The Contents of this News Letter are intended for general information
and should not be construed as legal advise or opinion.
Click Here to view our Web Site Disclaimer Page.

1326 5th Ave, Suite 339
Seattle, WA 98101

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